Score presentation

Choral Music Composed by Women
47 compositions for choir SATB

more information …


We at have made it our mission to compile information about women who have made a name for themselves as composers, or who are still trying to do so.
Our aim is to make as many of the published works as possible accessible to the general public and to bring together the sources.
For each female composer we compile a list of published recordings on CD and/or sheet music. Each entry is accompanied by links to the shops where the music can be purchased. is partly financed by these links (affiliate).

Now NEW Contemporaries:

We have listed the living female composers already registered at on an extra page contemporary. This way you can get a quick overview and perhaps soon attend a concert by an active female composer or consciously listen to her music on the radio.

The website is under continuous construction and is constantly being expanded.

We hope that you will learn a lot of new things here about known and unknown women who compose just as well as their male colleagues.

If you are missing a female composer, please send us an e-mail with the relevant information to

Would you like to support me in my work?
Then you can transfer money to my JvK Music account at Paypal.

So, and now have fun browsing,
Janek v. Kaler