Vittoria Raffaella Aleottiaus renaissance
Vittoria Raffaella Aleotti (c. 1575 – after 1620), believed to be the same as Raffaella Aleotta (c. 1570 – after 1646) was an Italian Augustinian nun, a composer and organist.
She was born in Ferrara to the prominent architect Giovanni Battista Aleotti, and was mentioned in his will, written in 1631. According to her father, Vittoria became interested in music after listening to her older sister being taught music. Within a year, Vittoria had mastered instruments, mainly the harpsichord, and voice so well that she was sent to train with Alessandro Milleville and Ercole Pasquini. At the age of 6 or 7, after working with Pasquini, it was suggested that Vittoria be sent to Ferrara’s San Vito, a convent famous for fostering musical talents. By the age of 14, Vittoria chose to enter the convent and dedicate her life to service.
Identity controversy
Giovanni Battista Aleotti is said to have had five daughters. Although there is no record of a daughter named Raffaella, it has been assumed that Vittoria changed her name once she dedicated herself to service. There are many accounts that suggest that Vittoria and Raffaella are two different sisters while others that assert that the two are the same woman.
This confusion of identity arises from Giovanni, who wrote the dedication for Vittoria, in her only published book of music. In it he suggests that while his oldest daughter was being prepared to become a nun and trained in music, his younger daughter, Vittoria, overheard and took a liking to music. With this knowledge, some suggest that Vittoria and Raffaella are two different women. To support this assertion, many have written that it was almost impossible and highly unlikely that the same woman would publish two books of different music under two different names. In addition, it is said that while Vittoria entrusted the dedication of her works to her father, Raffaella took full responsibility of writing her own dedication, thus insinuating the stark personality differences as well.
After 1593, Vittoria is never heard of again while Raffaella gained tremendous fame for her musical abilities to perform and to lead.
In 1591, Vittoria published a single madrigal (Di pallide viole), in a musical anthology: Il giardino de musici ferraresi. Two years later, she set music to eight poems by Giovanni Battista Guarini, which her father later sent to Count del Zaffo, who had them printed in Venice by Giacomo Vincenti. This book of madrigals was entitled Ghirlanda de madrigali a quatro voci. Aleotti was the first of at least 19 composers to set the text “T’amo mia vita” to music.
In the same year as Vittoria published her book of madrigals, Raffaella published a book of motets. Printed by Amadino in 1593, Sacrae cantiones quinque, septem, octo, & decem vocibus decantande, was the first book of sacred music by a woman to appear in print, and contains eighteen motets; thirteen quintets, two septets, two octets, and one motet for ten voices.
Raffaella was renowned for her skills at the organ and also well known in playing other instruments such as the harpsichord, the trombone, and other wind instruments. She was relentlessly praised by Ercole Bottrigari as having the talent and the skills to lead an ensemble of twenty-three nuns; she was also the Maestra at the convent until her death. Raffaella enjoyed complex music and would often use harmony and dissonance to heighten the text. However, she was at times criticized because some thought that as the music became more complex by utilizing more voices, the holiness of the music disappeared and gave way to pleasure.
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Sheet music
Score for choire
Miserere Mei Deusfor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Frauenchorwomens choir; Orgelorgel
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Ghirlanda de madrigali a 4 voci. MCI 1for 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Sacrae Cantiones 5, 7, 8 & 10 vocibus. MCI 2for 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Baciai per haver vita. MW 14for 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Hor che la vaga Aurora. MW 15for 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Baciai Per Aver Vitafor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score, Downloaddownload

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score, Downloaddownload
Miserere Mei Deusfor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir; Orgelorgel
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score, Downloaddownload

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score, Downloaddownload
Baciai Per Aver Vitafor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Io V'Amo Vito Miafor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
T'Amo Mia Vitafor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Exurgat Deusfor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Ego Flos Campifor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Surge, propera amica meafor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;
Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score

Edition: Chorpartiturchoral score
Hor che la vaga aurorafor 4-stimmig4 part, A-Cappellaa cappella, Gemischter Chormixed choir;

Score for chamber music
Diligam te Dominefor Fagottbassoon, Flöteflute, Hornfrench horn, Klarinetteclarinet, Oboeoboe
Edition: Downloaddownload

Edition: Downloaddownload
Renaissance Quartets of Progressive Difficulty, Volume 1for Saxophonsaxophone
Edition: Downloaddownload

Edition: Downloaddownload
Renaissance Quartets of Progressive Difficulty, Volume 1for Flöteflute
Edition: Downloaddownload

Edition: Downloaddownload
Renaissance Quartets of Progressive Difficulty, Volume 1for Euphoniumeuphonium
Edition: Downloaddownload

Edition: Downloaddownload