Beatrice Berrutaus modern

Evavishneva, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Beatrice Berrut (* 19 April 1985 in Genf) is a Swiss pianist, conductor and composer.


Beatrice Berrut was trained by Galina Ivanzova in Berlin, Esther Yellin in Zurich and Brigitte Engerer in Paris, all of whom were associated with the tradition of Heinrich Neuhaus’ Russian piano school.

She began playing the piano at the age of eight. She began her studies at the Conservatoire de Lausanne and then studied at the Heinrich Neuhaus Foundation in Zurich. She then perfected her skills at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin and at the Royal Irish Academy of Music in Dublin with John O’Conor, a pupil of Wilhelm Kempff.

Beatrice Berrut has also been working as a conductor since 2018. She has arranged movements from Mahler symphonies for piano.

She composes and transcribes pieces for piano.

Quelle Beatrice Berrut: Wiki:
