Karoline Hinterhoferaus expressionism + impressionism + modern

Karoline Hinterhofer (* 3 April 1864 in Vienna; † 10 December 1951 in Vienna) was an Austrian piano teacher, composer and writer.


Karoline (Lina) Hinterhofer, née Fichtmüller, was born in Vienna on April 3, 1864. Her father, Friedrich Fichtmüller (1825-1890), was a teacher. Her mother was Theresia Fichtmüller, née Streimelweger (1831-1903).

In 1890 Karoline married the middle school teacher Hinterhofer. This marriage produced two daughters: Friederike, who later took the surname Hübner (* 1891), and Grete Hinterhofer (* 1899), who became known as a concert pianist and composer.

Karoline received piano training and was a self-taught composer.

Hinterhofer worked as a freelance piano teacher, composer and lyricist. Her works were performed by various ensembles, including the Bad Ischl spa orchestra, the Salinenkapelle Ischl and the “Kapelle Holzer” at the RAVAG.

Karoline Hinterhofer died on December 9, 1951 in Vienna.

Source biografiA: http://biografia.sabiado.at/hinterhofer-karoline-lina/