Claudia Sessaaus barock + renaissance

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Claudia Sessa (* ca. 1570; † ca. 1618) was an Italian composer, singer and instrumentalist.


She was born into the Sessa family, a patrician clan of the Milanese aristocracy. A nun at the convent of S. Maria Annunciata, she composed two sacred works published in 1613. The dates of her birth and death are uncertain. Gerolamo Borsieri wrote a long and glowing description of her (quoted in “Women Composers: Music Through the Ages”), including that she sang and accompanied herself so well “that there was not a singer who could equal her” and that nobility in Parma and Mantua liked her singing more than “Claudio Monteverdi any other musician in the recitative style…”

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List of opera

  • Occhi io vissi di voi
  • Vatteme pur Lascivia


Sheet music

Score for chamber music

Occhi Io Vissi Di Voifor Klavierpiano

for Klavierpiano

Vattene Pur Lascivafor Klavierpiano

for Klavierpiano