Magdalena Galkaaus modern

Copyright: Magdalena Galka

Magdalena Galka (* 1976 in Nuremberg) is a German piano teacher, pianist and composer.


Magdalena Galka comes from a German-Swedish family of pianists. She received her first piano lessons from her mother, later from her father, the renowned pianist Karl-Heinz Schlüter, just like her younger sister, the composer Ann-Helena Schlüter.

At the Musikhochschule Würzburg, she initially studied piano for three years as a junior student with Prof. Arne Torger, and attended the early support class violin/piano with Prof. Conrad v. d. Goltz. After graduating from high school, she began her studies with Prof. Arne Torger and continued successfully with Prof. Friedemann Rieger and Prof. Andrzej Ratusinski at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart until she passed her concert exam.

Master classes with Vladimir Krainev, Hans Leygraf, Sontraud Speidel, Konstantin Scherbakow, Arbo Valdma, Igor Shukow and Bernd Glemser – as well as with Hans-Peter and Volker Stenzl, Tal & Groethuysen complement her intensive piano studies.

Magdalena Galka has won numerous piano competitions and has received scholarships from the Oskar-und-Vera-Ritter-Stiftung, the DAAD, the Kulturfonds der GVL, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung and the Deutscher Musikrat.

Als erfahrene Klavierpädagogin gibt sie ihr fundiertes Wissen an Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene weiter und unterstützt sie in ihrer musikalischen Entwicklung. Unter ihren SchülerInnen sind zahlreiche PreisträgerInnen bei Jugend musiziert in den Sparten Klavier solo und Klavier vierhändig.

Als Solistin, Liedbegleiterin sowie als gefragte Kammermusikerin in unterschiedlichsten Formationen führt Magdalena Galka eine erfolgreiche Konzerttätigkeit im In- und Ausland. Her first solo CD “Peace Preludes” with her own piano works was released in 2022. She recorded works by Liszt and Brahms for the Bayerischer Rundfunk in Nuremberg.

As a composer, Magdalena Galka is increasingly seeking creative development. In addition to works for solo piano and piano four-hands, she has also published playbooks and music books for piano lessons, as well as numerous arrangements for solo piano and piano four-hands.

Source Magdalena Galka:

Sheet music

Score for chamber music

Harmonisch durchs Jahrfor Klavierpiano

for Klavierpiano

10 Kasachische Tänzefor Klavierpiano

for Klavierpiano

Peace Preludes für Klavierfor Klavierpiano

for Klavierpiano

7 Klavierstueckefor Klavierpiano

for Klavierpiano